In order to make purchases on eBay or other services that accept PayPal payments you need to make sure you have funds available before placing your order. If your PayPal balance is low on funds, there are number of different ways to transfer additional money into your PayPal account. You can use either a savings or checking account from the bank of your choice to transfer funds. Here are the steps you would use to transfer money to a PayPal account.
Start off by logging into your PayPal account and clicking on the section that reads "Account Overview". The screen will show your current PayPal balance and give an indication of how much in additional funds you would like add.
Every PayPal account will have have a direct link to at least one financial institution such as a bank or credit union. Click on the "Bank Accounts" link in the Account Overview section which will show you which bank account you have linked and can subsequently use to transfer funds.
Now you will be able to click on the" Add Funds" tab which will take you directly to an accounts drop-down menu. From here you will be able to select which bank account you wish to transfer funds from and move it into your PayPal account. You can determine which account you're using via the bank name followed by the last four digits of the account number.
Once you have the transfer bank account selected, you'll be able to enter the amount you wish to transfer. Specify the dollar amount you wish to move and then click "Continue" to begin the account transfer.
This will then be followed by a confirmation page where you can review the information such as the transform amount and the bank account selected. At this point you will be able to finalize the transfer by clicking "Submit" at which point the transaction will conclude.
Finally, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from PayPal about the transfer. PayPal will then contact your financial institution to initiate the transfer of funds which should complete within a few days.
Some points to keep in mind are that you can add additional bank accounts and link them to your PayPal account to give you more options in the future. It normally takes three or four days to process a transfer so check both your PayPal account and your bank account to confirm the process goes smoothly. Make sure you actually want to transfer the funds since once it's complete it is not a simple matter of reversing the transfer. Funds will have to be withdrawn and deposited back into your checking or savings account if you change your mind.