There are a number of considerations which are taken into account to determine what type of travel medical insurance may be required, if at all, for what type of pre-existing medical condition. Where you're going, how you're going to get there, your current overall health and your medical history are all used to determine the type of travel medical insurance you may need to purchase.
Domestic travel often does not require the purchase of additional travel medical insurance because your current medical insurance most likely outlines what is and is not covered out of state and in the case of emergencies. Most medical insurance will pay for sudden emergencies even for pre-existing conditions as long as your current health insurer has been made aware of the pre-existing medical condition and it has been factored into coverage and the premium. As always, if you're unsure call your health insurer and get it in writing if necessary.
Foreign travel can be more complicated. Not only in terms of pre-existing conditions but also because of receiving medical treatment overseas. In the case of foreign travel it may be necessary to purchase travel medical insurance to supplement your existing medical insurance coverage. Pre-existing conditions complicate coverage selection and can have a dramatic increase on insurance cost.
Commonly the most prevalent pre-existing condition taken into consideration while traveling is pregnancy. Pregnancy as a preexisting condition is really only relevant in terms of how you're going to arrive at your destination. Most physicians recommend limiting travel in the third trimester due to the increasing numbers in premature births. Keeping travel local and close to home is ideal but not always realistic.
If going on a cruise, call customer service for the cruise line to determine what medical facilities are available and what restrictions may apply to pregnant women. Depending on the size of the cruise line and its location in the world, they may not have adequate medical supplies and staff to handle a pregnancy. It's also important to have an plentiful supply of medications or supplements in case of an inability to have a prescription refilled by a local pharmacy.
If flying domestically then there are normally no travel restrictions for pregnant women or any other type of pre-existing medical condition. Virtually all domestic airlines have emergency procedures in place and some form of emergency medical training to handle any emergencies that arise. Planes are often easily diverted to local airports around the nation and airports are often fully staff with medical supplies and have fully trained medical personnel in the event of any medical emergency.
Airline travel overseas though can be more complicated due to the destination and the length of time in the air. Many airlines may not allow pregnant women to fly if they are within one month of delivery unless it has been cleared by the airline first. Even then, the airline may require that you are first cleared by a doctor. It is also common to not allow women who have recently given birth to fly after one week of delivering.
Pre-existing conditions such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure are often not as important as recent medical episodes such a stroke when determining whether or not to purchase travel medical insurance. If you have a high risk medical condition or may require specialized emergency medical treatment, it is not only important to consider buying travel medical insurance but also to consider where you're going and how you're going to get there.