Having a good credit score impacts many areas of your life: the interest rates you pay on debt, your car insurance rates, and what types of credit card offers you get in the mail. If you find yourself with a poor credit score, but have a need to improve it quickly, there are a few tips you can try. However, the only true way to drastically improve your score is to use debt responsibly for a long period of time.
Improving your credit score comes down to improving the individual pieces of what goes into a credit score. If you have problems in one or two of the areas, you should focus your efforts there first rather than running down the list. Likewise you should prioritize your efforts on the areas that have the biggest impact on your score. For example if you have problems with your payment history, that should be your first priority because it has the largest impact on your credit score.
One of the fastest ways to crash your credit score is to not pay your bills on time or at all. Having a creditor ding your report for a late or delinquent payment can hurt your score immediately. The only problem? It takes time to repair your credit history. Even if you have an account sent to collections that you are able to get current on or pay off, the mark stays on your report for 7 years.
Set up automatic payments for all of your bills. Behind on payments? Call the creditor to work on a plan and start making payments to catch up. Another problem to look out for are errors on your report that are incorrect. There may be a late or even delinquent mark on your credit report that isn't accurate. In that case you need to contact the creditor to get them to remove the incorrect data.
While payment history is more difficult to repair due to having to wait for time to pass, changing amounts owed is something you can start fixing right now. You probably don't have the best score if you are maxed out on three different credit cards. The bureaus compare what your credit limit is for the debt (say, $5,000 on a credit card) and what you currently owe (say, $4,800). Your credit utilization is sitting at 96% - way too high.
It sounds simple, but can be difficult. Start chipping away at your debts to not only improve your credit score, but save yourself a lot of money in interest charges. Focus on revolving credit (like credit cards) first, specifically on those with either low balances (so you can build psychological momentum on your debt payoff plan) or high interest rates (to save the most interest).
Also don't close your credit card accounts after you pay them off. You can pay off the balance and cut up the card while still keeping the account open. This leaves your credit line intact, which gives you more total available credit to contrast what you owe against. This brings down your credit utilization ratio, which is a good thing.
Having a credit card for 15 years that you regularly use and pay off is a good thing. But again, it takes time to get there. It can be tempting to open up a bunch of accounts all at the same time to increase your credit available (to help out your credit utilization from above), but doing this can actually hurt your score because it looks risky. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do here other than keep your accounts open and in good standing.
Having a wide array of responsibly used credit is better than having only one area. This is why avoiding credit cards altogether can actually hurt your credit score. (Granted, if you know you can't handle credit then avoid it completely. There's no sense in paying interest in the name of having a better score.) This also is another indicator to not close out all of your credit cards after you pay them off.
You may be tempted to open new types of credit in order to increase your credit diversity. This only works in certain cases, but can be beneficial if you go from not having any credit cards to having one. Just don't go overboard and go from zero to six cards all at once; again, you will look more like a credit risk.
Though there are techniques you can use to improve your credit score fast, the best way to improve your credit is to take a good look at your spending habits and work on lowering your debt and making sure you always pay on time. Be it slow or fast, increasing your credit score should be a goal since a better score can potentially save you a lot of money.