In the investment world is closer and more investors, but there's room for non-experts. Unfortunately not all roses and flowers and there are some basic rules to follow, and the purpose of this article has the aim to answer even the questions that are addressed daily by investors.
1) clear ideas on what you want from your money:
- Inflation protection for the capital that you plan to use in the next 3-5 years;
- Investment only for the money you definitely do not serve in the next 3-5 years.
2) declare in writing the financial intermediary's risk tolerance, investment goals and habits. Do not ever tick the box in which you declare that you do not want to provide this information, and indeed 'good complement expressly indicating the types of investments you want to exclude.
3) Always take time. Do not ever sign investment immediately after the seller (bank or financial planner) has completed the description. Always be wary that the investments must be made by a certain date. Always ask for copies of all documents (prospectuses) and read quietly by themselves. Signed only after understanding every aspect of the documents read. If the seller does not want to provide this documentation excluded regardless of the investment.
4) Invest only in securities that are fully understood by reading the documentation. Never trust the things spoken aloud by the seller, if the documentation does not help to fully understand the investment and 'better not to invest. If we are quite sure, but these new types of investments, invest only small parts of its financial assets (1 or 2% maximum), you can 'always incorporate later.
5) Do not invest in individual stocks, it 'in bonds issued by governments that are not reliable. You just run the additional risks that are not repaid by appropriate average yields expected.
6) Do not invest in unlisted instruments. This simple rule protects us from many problems. The listing on a regulated financial market liquidity not only offers the 'investment, but also preserves for many financial instruments unnecessarily expensive and sometimes lack transparency (such as mutual funds in unlisted assets under management in mutual funds, the unit-linked policies, the various structured notes and all the newfangled financial engineering intermediaries invent to charge fees to their customers).
7) For the protection of capital use: short-term government bonds or indexed, postal savings, high return on deposit accounts (without costs) and funds management fees without (or with lower management fees to 0.3 %). Do not use financial products generally referred to as "capital guaranteed".
8) To use investment: bonds for bond, mutual funds, indexed or (better) for the equity ETFs. The proportions depend on your investor profile, it has less experience and less equity component must be entered in the portfolio.
9) To set aside savings. Do not use life insurance policies (they are unnecessarily expensive). PACs are a good solution provided that provide low entry fee (if not zero) and management, but it 's still better to decrease the rate of investment (quarterly instead of monthly) and directly invest in securities (bonds or ETFs ). The investment by installments (especially for the equity component) and 'excellent form of investment.
10) If you feel the need 'for advice. Do not expect to receive advice from bank managers or financial advisors, their main function is' to sell financial products. Conflict of interest and can, at most, to advise instrumental in selling products. Since November 2007, 'was the figure of the regulated independent financial adviser. If you have a significant financial capital and do not want to do yourself, better to go to a professional investor who paid directly to individuals in obvious conflict of interest.