Pets are always wonderful additions to the family, no exceptions. They do however require a lot of work and can come with significant additional expenses. Between medical care, grooming, food and unplanned financial outlays resulting from accidents and encounters with other animals, the costs can add up quickly. There are ways to save money if you want to enjoy the company of a family pet.
Local animal shelters and humane societies have wonderful family pets available for adoption at minimal cost. The only charge is normally related to licensing and shots and possibly an ID chip depending on your city or town. Many shelters also have periodic pet adoptions for as little as $35 simply to get wonderful animals into loving homes. Adopting a pet is really the best way to go to not only find a great animal but to also save money.
When it comes to purchasing food and toys for your family friend, the sky really is the limit. Purchasing food in bulk or with coupons can significantly decrease the costs to feed your pet. Toys are even easier to buy for little to no cost. Stuffed animals seem to always be on sale especially after the holidays. If you frequent garage sales, you can buy an inordinate number of stuffed animals for pennies on the dollar.
Every pet and breed have unique characteristics which should be considered when adopting a family pet. Some aspects to keep in mind are the potential for shedding , level of activity, overall size and likelihood of inherited medical conditions. For example, German shepherds are big dogs which eat a lot and are prone to suffer from bloat and hip dysplasia. If you don't want to spend a lot of money on food or have to worry about potential medical expenses then it would be better to get a smaller mixed breed dog. Thoroughly research the type of animal you're interested in to make sure they are the right fit for you and your family.
All animals should receive annual shots to prevent distemper and parvo as well as rabies vaccinations every three years or according to your area. Proper daily exercise can also prevent weight related diseases and ensure proper bowel movements limiting intestinal issues. Many vets will also recommend brushing the animal's teeth since dental issues can lead to heart problems.
There's a common phrase for humans which also applies to animals which is when in doubt check it out. If your animal stops eating or has any changes in behavior which is worrisome then scheduled an appointment to see your vet. In certain life threatening cases like bloat, your pet will show severe discomfort at which point you should take them to an animal emergency hospital immediately. Any delay will not only cost significantly more money in the long run but more importantly it puts the health and safety of your family pet in jeopardy.
While not necessarily for all animals, larger breeds which will be outdoors or interacting with other animals or people can benefit greatly from training. Properly trained animals are less likely to run into the street causing damage to themselves. Training also instills certain behaviors such as responding to commands and following a masters lead which can prevent confrontations with other animals leading to injury and medical bills.
Grooming is a normal part of animal health and it is recommended to brush your pet's coat and trim their nails periodically. Clumps of hair can result in matting causing a pet to walk differently leading to musculature and skeletal issues after an extended period of time. Long toenails can also result in altered gait as well as become ingrown, piercing the pad and causing infection. Depending on your pet's temperament and their ability to tolerate brushing and clipping nails, you may be able to save money and do these activities yourself.
It's ridiculous when pet owners with more money than common sense spend thousands of dollars on fancy food or clothing for their pets. All a happy pet needs is love, attention and companionship from an owner that cares about them and has their best interest at heart. Give them quality food, medical care, daily exercise and lots of love to keep your family friend happy and healthy.