Learn About Save Money
4 Simple Ways to Save Money on Gas
Gas prices are so high that buying fuel for a car is starting to cut into the budgets of most Americans. A gallon of gas is around $4 here in Houston, TX and it just seems to keep rising. Fuel conservation has to become a priority to a ton of people ...
8 Ways to Save Money on Holiday Travel
The holiday season isn't just about shopping and gifts; a great deal of travel also takes place during this time of year. Unfortunately, holiday travel can get expensive fast--faster than the wrapping paper flies off those gifts. These 8 tips will he...
5 Inexpensive Ways to Go Green
Going green is about more than buzzwords, purchasing a reusable grocery sack and railing against big corporations as the cause of global warming. It's about each individual taking small steps to improve our cities, our homes and ourselves by helping ...
14 Ways to Save $5 This Week
Two of the most popular New Year's resolutions are losing weight and saving money. After a month or so, most of us give up on these goals and revert back to our old ways packing on pounds and spending like there's no tomorrow. Changing established be...
8 Ways to Save $100 in a Week
When trying to save money it helps to take baby steps. Many consumers find it difficult to save $50 a month let alone $100 in a week. Unexpected expenses like an auto repair or a new after school activity for your kids not only immediately empties an...
3 Ways to Enjoy Free Online Music
Acquiring or listening to music for free has been a primary consideration for many consumers since the radio was invented. If anything, terrestrial-based AM/FM radio has conditioned consumers to expect to listen to music for free forever. Vinyl recor...
10 Free Summer Activities for Kids
When summer rolls around and school lets out, many kids have too much time and not enough activities to keep them busy. For many families on limited budgets, multiple family vacations and trips to amusement parks aren't always an option. Fortunately,...
18 Tips to Save Money on Clothing
Saving money on clothing can be a worthwhile endeavor since it frees up finances for more important purposes like building an emergency fund or paying down debt. There are number of different ways to save money but they all require creative thinking ...
8 Tips to Save on Baggage Fees
Everything about flying on an airline has gone up in price thanks to less competition, increased jet fuel prices and of course, baggage fees. There still are a few opportunities to save money when taking more than one bag with you on vacation but you...
6 Ways to Exercise for Less
A worldwide obesity epidemic is having significant health repercussions segments of society. Increases in type II diabetes and heart disease are a direct result of being overweight and living a sedentary lifestyle. Many people use the excuse that the...
10 Ways to Land Cheaper Airfare
Driving across the country isn't really an option for most travelers when getting from point A to point B which is why airline travel has become so popular. With ticket prices ranging anywhere from $600-$800 for long-haul domestic flights, saving mon...
12 Ways to Save When Eating Out
Eating out can be an enjoyable experience but also quite expensive. If you eat out five times a month, total costs could run as high as $3,000 per year. This is a lot of money that could be better spent on family vacation, building an emergency fund ...
Simple Money Saving Tips
It is important for any person to know how to money in a safe way for future use or for a targeted goal. Some people may find it hard to do it, but once you get an idea or a vision, then it becomes an easier thing to do. There are some steps that on...
How To Save Money on Gas
We are a nation in love with cars and, consequently, with consuming gasoline. Over 90% of North American. households own a car, with the average household owning two or more cars. That means the majority of our nation is dependent on gasoline for our...
How to Save Money on a Car
Shopping for a car can be tough since the dealer usually has all the advantages. Usually, the buyer feels like the deck is stacked against them. Sometimes you might be better off repairing your car before you go into debt to buy a new one. If the amo...