Are you overwhelmed with excessive credit card debt? Are you having a hard time making monthly payments? Do you feel like high interest rates on your credit cards are holding you back? It is almost impossible to payoff large amounts of credit card de...
Credit cards have provided a level of convenience unseen since the invention of the automobile and as such has been one of the most widely adopted new technologies of the 20th century. The fact that they have been so thoroughly embraced however does ...
Excessive credit card debt can be difficult to pay off even in the best of times but it is often made even more difficult when there is a high interest rate. Most credit cards nowadays have variable interest rates which fluctuate with market rates so...
The art of negotiation isn't just for flea markets and swap meets or haggling over the price of a new car. Depending on your credit history, it may be possible to negotiate lower credit card rates and start saving money today. Just like asking somebo...
When examining a credit card statement you will come across a field denoting the interest rate currently applied to you debt as the APR or Annual Percentage Rate. Many consumers understand this to be the current interest rate charged on purchases the...
Interest on credit cards is the lifeblood of the credit card industry. While it might seem they are unwilling to lower the interest rate on your credit card you might be surprised what they are willing to do to keep your business. Just like anythin...
Having the lowest interest rate possible is like having money in the bank or paying yourself first. An interest rate of 16.9% as opposed to one of 8.9% will take significantly longer to pay off the balance and cost hundreds of dollars more in the lo...
Due to competitive forces and the free market economy it is actually quite easy to take steps in lowering credit card rates. Not only do credit card companies issue consumer credit directly on the open market but most if not all banks and credit unio...
The are two primary ways with which to calculate the Annual Percentage Rate, or APR, for credit cards. The daily periodic rate and the monthly periodic rate are similar but also different enough that larger balances could lead to increased costs or ...
Being able to make purchases with a credit card and then pay off the balance at a future date is a wonderful convenience. A great deal may only be available for a limited time and a credit card can allow you to pay for merchandise today and then pay...
A low interest rate credit card is a good thing to have if you habitually carry high balances on your credit cards from month to month. Ironically, the vast majority of people who qualify for low interest rate credit cards are those with higher than...
The average credit card interest rate is just above 14 percent. But averages can be misleading. Actual credit card interest rates range from a low of 0% up to whopping 40% or more. Given the disparity in credit card interest rates it pays to be proa...
Are you getting the best credit card rates possible? You'd better hope so. If you're not, you could be throwing thousands of dollars down the drain without even realizing it. Want to know how to make sure the best credit card rates are on your monthl...
Credit cards usually have several different interest rates, although each work in a similar manner. One of the most talked-about interest rates is the APR, or annual percentage rate, which is typically the rate charged for balances due on purchases u...
If you own a credit card, or if you've ever thought of applying for one, you have probably asked yourself: how does credit card interest work? At first glance it seems relatively simple. But the details can be confusing. So we thought it would be use...